April 15

It’s Time!…….Your Bees will be Arriving Saturday, April 23…

Soon, you will be in your protective gear as well!

Soon, you will be in your protective gear as well!

So far we have set two beehives up for our new arrivals (3 if you count mine).  It is important that we set your hive in its location before we introduce the bees to their new home.  Please contact me so we can schedule a time to place your hive.

My current plans are for us to meet at the Francis Smith Apiary next Saturday, April 23, at 2:30 PM to begin the process of introducing your bees to their new home.  Even if you have already read and watched the materials I have provided, please do so again so you will be familiar with the process of adding new bees to their hive.

Long pants and long sleeve shirts are essential as this hands on experience and will serve as part of your bee protection.   Remember to bring with you one gallon of sugar water 2 parts sugar to 1 part water when you come Saturday.  Bring your hive tool, smoker, and protective gear with you.

If you have questions or concerns, please post them in the comment section below or you may contact me directly.