April 25

Gaston County Beekeepers Association Meeting -April 24

Good Evening Fellow Beekeepers and supporters of our beloved honeybees.  I have finally made it to another GCBA meeting and I always like to bring you along with me.   I will be putting my rough notes here for you to enjoy.

Carolina Lavender Farm is here and offering to let us set our hives there.  Interesting, but I am not sure how far away it is.  They have a Facebook page and it might be interesting to read up on them.

Carolina Lavender Farm

Tonight’s Meeting is about good pollinator plants for your gardens and yards.  Before the program begins I recall NC State publish a list of the top 25 native pollinators in North Carolina.  The link is below as well as one for Carolina Pollinator Garden:

Top 25 Native Pollinator Plants for North Carolina

Carolina Pollinator Garden

Ron Thompson is our speaker for tonight and I just now remembered that he presented last year which means I have already taken notes on this session and you can find them in the April or May blog.