April 6 Hive Inspections
Hive Inspections
April 6, 2019
Frances Smith Educational Apiary
2018 -01 Big Yellow 10 frame Langstrough Hive – 2 deeps, 1 medium
This is one of only two hives that survived the winter for me. Two weeks ago I rotated the boxes. This week the hive is going gangbusters and I was able to add the first super of the season. This hive is strong with a good. Rood pattern and is really cooking!
2019-01. Ten Frame Langstrough Hive
New hive with package of bees introduced last week. The queen was successfully released and new cone is quickly being drawn out. Took off shim and removed burr one. Changed out feeder to top flat feeder. Added sugar water.
2019-02. Ten Frame Langstrough Hive
New hive with package of bees introduced last week. The queen was successfully released and new cone is quickly being drawn out. Took off empty protective rood box and added my standard top feeder. Added sugar water
2019-03 Ten Frame Langstrough Hive,
New hive with package of bees introduced last week. The queen was successfully released and new cone is quickly being drawn out. Took off shim and removed burr one. Using standard top feeder. Added small amount of sugar water
2019-04 Eight Frame Langstrough Hive
New hive with package of bees introduced last week. The queen was successfully released and new cone is quickly being drawn out. Took off shim and removed burr one. Using open hole jar top feeder. Filled jar with sugar water.
2019-05 Eight Frame Langstrough Hive
New hive with package of bees introduced last week. The queen was successfully released and new cone is quickly being drawn out. Took off shim and removed burr one. Using open hole jar top feeder. Filled jar with sugar water.
2019-06 Top Bar Hive
New hive with package of bees introduced last week. However, the queen age had disconnected from the natural wax cons. Fallen straight down and blocked bees from feeding and releasing queen. All bees in queen cage dead. Called Tommy and purchase anew Minnesota Hygienic Queen. Placed new queen in clear bottom space and will. He k for her release Wednesday.
Jax and Harper Honey Bee Farm
2019 Swarm Cell Two – 07 Top Bar Hive
Swarm repopulated hive two weeks ago. Feeding sugar water. Hive growing in strength and number. Outside inspection shows bees really enjoying all the cone the last family left behind for them. Plan to take a look at cone from inside next week.
2019 Swarm Cell One – 08 Five Frame Nuc
Swarm caught In Blacks backyard. Changed feeder to top hive flat feeder. Something keeps knocking jar off. Hive growing in strength. Appears to be a swarm of bees from my own hive. Will check frames next week.
2018-02 Big Blue Hive
While not as strong as Big Yellow. It does appear to be growing in strength. I am not feeding this hive. Need to take off shim. Plan to do an inside Inspection tomorrow.
Thanks, Scott!
Did one. Queen was released and saw her doing her thing. All looks good. Not eating a lot of sugar water because I loaded the hive with plenty of frames of honey.
Sean, suggest you take sugar water off of your hive, in fact by this weekend I think we can all take our sugar water off…plenty of nectar out there!